Pues este sábado 25 de junio será cuando liberen esta actualización de Debian Squeeze que trae importantes cambios que afectan a los que usamos este sistema operativo.
Como podrán leer en el anuncio oficial hay muchas correcciones de bugs para esta actualización de la distribución.
Philip Kern hizo el anuncio el pasado domingo 19 de Junio de 2011. El inicio del anuncio es el siguiente:
Upcoming Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 Update (6.0.2)
An update to Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 is scheduled for Saturday, June 25th, 2011. As of now it will include the following bug fixes. They can be found in “squeeze-proposed-updates”, which is carried by all official mirrors.
Please note that packages published through security.debian.org are not listed, but will be included if possible. Some for the updates below are also already available through “squeeze-updates”.
Testing and feedback would be appreciated. Bugs should be filed in the Debian Bug Tracking System, but please make the Release Team aware of them by copying “de************@li***.org” on your mails.
The point release will also include a rebuild of debian-installer.
De lo que leo estas correcciones serán bienvenidas para muchos de nosotros, en mayor o menos medida:
dbus Fix local DoS for system services (CVE-2011-2200)
dpkg Fix regression in «dpkg-divert –rename»; dpkg-split: don’t corrupt metadata on 32-bit systems; fix vsnprintf() compat declaration
gdm3 Reset SIGPIPE handler before starting the session; execute the PostSession script even when GDM is killed or shut down
gnome-settings-daemon Work around possible race condition when starting Xsettings manager
ia32-libs Refresh packages from stable and proposed-updates.
kdenetwork Improve fix for CVE-2010-1000 directory traversal issue
linux-2.6 New hardware support; add longterm; fix oops via corrupted partition tables
sun-java6 New upstream security update
cada día más ubuntizado 🙁